All of the ideas presented on this website are from the Bible. But don’t just believe what I’ve shown you, confirm it for yourself! Therefore, you need to read the Bible. Here’s how to select the one that’s appropriate for you.
When you get a Bible and start reading, remember that the Bible is a ‘library’ not a ‘novel’. That means it’s a collection of different books, written by different authors. And in a library you need to find the book most relevant for you. To find out more about Christianity you need to start with Jesus since He is the person who reveals God to us in the flesh. So start with the biographies of Jesus in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Meeting Jesus in the pages of the Bible will help you grasp the central ideas quickly.
The Bible is a ‘library’ not a ‘novel’… Start with the biographies of Jesus in the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Here are a number of ways to find a Bible electronically.

Download a free bible to your iphone or ipad .
Download a free bible to an android.

Read the Bible Online here.

You can purchase a copy of the Bible through any bookseller. Research which version you want before you shop!

Find a free version of the Bible in any language at Youversion.
Make sure you choose a Bible in your mother tongue with easy to understand, modern language. Whilst the Bible is an ancient book, the translations should all be easily accessible.